Nov 13, 2006

aidil fitri tiba lagi...........

These are all hari raya pixs... such a big family and a big gathering...ramai kan? Don't be surprised if i say there are supposed to be more....eldest sis kat kl... who has 8 children, elder sis, she has 4 kids and my eldest bro yang ada a pair of kids....huih...ramaikan....hehehe...and as the saying goes, the more the merrier but makin kopak poket sebab ramai and of different ages...u know la...kan duit raya bagi ikut age...waaaaaaaa lepas raya poket sakit.... tapi memang best reramai ni, cuma yang tak tahan the noise yang ada kalau yang kecik2 tu buat orkestra...other than that, yang kecik ni la juga jadi tumpuan nak diusung....seronok babe.....